. |
Type of
Benefit |
Munimed Alpha 2002 |
. |
No. |
Service Category |
1 |
Hospitalisation, Theatre fees and Intensive and
High Care unit if prescribed by a doctor Subject to obtaining a
1.1 Provincial and State Hospitals |
100% of BHF Unlimited |
1.2 Private hospitals |
100% of BHF Unlimited |
1.3 Psychiatric Hospitals |
100% of BHF tariff Limited to R25 000 |
2 |
Operations and Confinements |
100% of BHF No limit |
3 |
Transplants (subject to case management and
pre-authorisation) |
100% of BHF Unlimited |
4 |
Radiology and
Pathology While hospitalised |
100% of BHF Unlimited |
5 |
Internal Prosthesis |
100% of cost R20 000 per family per annum |
6 |
Blood Transfusions |
100% of BHF Unlimited |
7 |
scans (in or out of hospital) (subject to
pre-authorisation) |
100% of BHF Unlimited |
8 |
Radiotherapy &
Chemotherapy (subject to case management) |
100% of BHF Unlimited |
9 |
Sub-acute facilities, Hospice, Nursing
Services, Practicing Nurses and
Rehabilitation (subject to case management) |
100% of cost Unlimited |
10 |
Ambulance Services |
100% of cost Subject to preferred provider |
11 |
Statutory Prescribed Minimum
Benefits |
Unlimited (preferred services is rendered in a state
hospital) |
12 |
Haemodialysis Peritonial
dialysis |
(Subject to case management and
pre-authorisation) |
100% of BHf to a maximum of: R830 Per treatment R2100
Per beneficiary per month |
13 |
Medication Discount on chronic medication is to the
benefit of the member. |
80% of BHf tariff 20% Payable by member directly to
service provider R10 000 per beneficiary to a maximum of R20
000 per family |
14 |
GP's & Specialists |
. |
Out-of-hospital: including: X-rays Radiology Pathological
services | |
100% of BHF
tariff, limited to |
M |
R3500 |
M+1 |
R4400 |
M+2 |
R4800 |
M+3 |
R5200 |
M+4+ |
R5600 | |
In-Hospital: X-rays Radiology Pathological
services | |
100% of BHF No limit |
15 |
Prescribed Medicine Acute (including homeopathic medication) |
100% of BHF
tariff, limited to: |
M |
R2400 |
M+1 |
R3000 |
M+2 |
R3300 |
M+3 |
R3600 |
M+4+ |
R3900 |
Levy of R15 payable by
member directly to service provider |
Over-the-counter |
M R450; M+1+R600 |
16 |
Dentistry (Basic, intermediate & advanced) |
100% of BHF
tariff, limited to: |
M |
R3750 |
M+1 |
R6000 |
M+2 |
R6500 |
M+3 |
R7000 |
M+4+ |
R7500 |
Gold fillings:
R240 |
17 |
Joint overall out-of-hospital limit for the
following GP's, Specialists, Opthalmologists &
Homeopaths Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Dentistry Acute
& Self medication Radiology and Pathology |
100% of BHF
tariff, limited to: |
M |
R7000 |
M+1 |
R10000 |
M+2 |
R11000 |
M+3 |
R12000 |
M+4+ |
R13000 | |
18 |
Auxiliary Services |
100% of BHF tariff, limited to: |
18.1 (Chiropractors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists,
homeopaths, dieticians, speech therapists & clinical
psychologists) |
R4000 per
family |
18.2 External Prosthesis & Ortheopaedic Appliances |
100% of
cost limited to: R5000 per family |
18.3 Hearing Aids |
Maximum of
R10 000 per family |
18.4 Optical |
100% of
SAOA tariff |
18.4.1 Frames |
R400 per
beneficiary to a maximum of 2 frames per family |
18.4.2 Lenses
& Contact Lenses |
R1500 per
beneficiary to a maximum of R2500 per family Contact lenses:
R1320 add per family |
18.4.3 Eye
tests |
1 test per
beneficiary per annum No benefit for sunglasses |
19 |
AID FOR AIDS (Registration for this program is
compulsory) |
100% of
cost. Maximum of R25 000 per beneficiary per annum for
medication |
20 |
Medical Savings Account |
None |
21 |
Savings Levels |
. |